Original Drawing.

Lisa has had many contacts with these People ( that is what they wish to be refered as,
People ).Beginning at the age of fourteen (14), and continuing till this day. This drawing is not 100% accurate as to how she remembers them, so we are still working on them to refine details. This person is the leader in charge of the group, and of the medical procedures. His name is either Isaac or Zachary. He is gentle and has a sense of humour.

Details refined. Neck shortened, nose has no bridge, but wrinkles and looks like a monkies nose, eyes protrude something like a frog, lower lip protrudes out, no coller bone, muscley upper chest that protrudes,thick upper arm, eyes black ( like an eye within an eye) and no eye lids. They all have their different individual features, like we do. They each have their own personality. The group respect the one in charge. And they are mischevious in their own way. The crown of the skull is divided as in the drawing.
Thank you Lisa for sharing your experiences, and enlightening my research efforts.

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